Forming efficient virtual teams

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Team development and management is difficult enough when all team members are in the same place. Collaborating in a virtual team requires even more involvement. In this course, you will learn about teamwork and leadership skills in a virtual team. You will cover the management of remote activities and communication and evaluation tactics, as well as virtual team meetings.



• description of the main aspects of concern for a remote manager

• recapitulation of guidelines for establishing relationships with team members

• enumeration of communication areas in which virtual managers must set team standards

• classification of communication tools as synchronous or asynchronous

• recapitulation of communication strategies support and encouragement of virtual team members

• recognition of performance management guidelines among virtual team members

• recapitulation of guidelines for managing remote team meetings

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Video 00:23:29
Level Introductory

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