Using strategic thinking to consider the big picture

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


The analysis of the overview is not limited to short-term situations, but also considers the methods by which an organization can be successful in the long run. If you think strategically about a problem, using the big picture, you will be able to broaden your perspective and better understand the forces that influence your organization. This course presents how systemic thinking can help you understand contradictory and paradoxical situations and better understand the causes and effects, while managing your department according to your organizational strategy. The course presents the actions you can take to encourage creative thinking and come up with solutions that take into account the big picture. You will also learn how to understand the value chain of the organization and how to apply and implement it effectively in the organizational strategy. Prerequisites None Experience Level General Field of Knowledge Business Management & Organization



• Identify ways to understand the big picture by broadening your perspective

• Identify examples that illustrate how understanding paradoxes can help you achieve an overview of your organization

• identifies the techniques for understanding causality, to get an overview of your organization

• identifies the steps needed to consider internal factors, to get an overview of your organization

• compare actions that encourage analysis overview of the organization’s internal management and internal stakeholders

• identify how value and supply chain assessment can help you analyze the big picture

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Video 00:22:45
Level Introductory

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