You and your negotiating counterpart

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


We all have unique emotions, motivations and personalities. You will need to accept and integrate this into your negotiation strategy. Most people are so preoccupied with their own interests that they don’t fully realize the other person’s problems. This course will help you develop the critical components of a good negotiation relationship, including mutual trust, a deeper understanding of your interlocutor’s point of view in negotiation, a set of techniques to use when dealing with different personalities and a plan to get others to join you.



  • Determining ways to increase the level of trust your business partner has in you
  • Determining the type of personality in the negotiation of your interlocutor Strategic Approaches to Emotions and Interests in a Negotiation
  • Implementing Effective Strategies for Addressing Interpersonal Challenges During Negotiations
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Video 00:21:20
Level Introductory

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