Successful delegation - supervision and encouragement

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


“We all get the results we deserve” is especially true when it comes to further monitoring of tasks after delegation. Have you ever received a request to do something from someone and didn’t say anything before complaining that the project is delayed or that the results are not up to expectations? Supervision at the right level – avoiding equal temptations to either micro-manage or ignore the delegate’s activities – is essential to ensure a good outcome. Providing the delegate with the necessary training, encouragement and support, plus asking for feedback and questions from the delegate are skills that need to be developed for optimal results. And remember, you have the responsibility to execute, no matter what happens.

In this course, you will learn how to provide supervision and feedback to ensure that delegates deliver what you want and when you want. You will learn how to set up checkpoints and make sure your delegate gets the support and training he or she needs to be effective. In the end, you will find constructive ways to respond when the situation is inadequate and how to handle failed deliveries without demotivating the delegate.



  • Recognize the actions to be taken for proper follow-up of a delegated task
  • Differentiate between actions that motivate and discourage a delegated person
  • Respond appropriately to inappropriate delegation results
  • Provide constructive criticism to improve performance
  • Use techniques adequate supervision and feedback to improve the performance of a delegated person
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Video 00:20:12
Level Introductory

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