How to create a network of contacts

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


When you really want to advance your career, you need to build strong professional relationships and maintain an effective network of contacts. Whether it is an executive or general business social network, this course covers the essential professional communication and social skills needed to build a strong network. It includes strategies for developing relationships with new contacts during social networking opportunities, and covers best practices for maintaining your network so that business contacts can help you achieve your career goals.



• Identify ways in which a business network is important

• Recognize where you can identify opportunities for professional socialization

• Identify best practices for attracting new network connections

• Match conversation strategies with new people with appropriate examples

• Recognize strategies you can use to maintain your business network

• use appropriate techniques to start your own business network

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Video 00:15:27
Level Introductory

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