How to keep your digital skills up to date in the digital economy

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


The digital economy is revolutionizing the business world. In order to maintain their relevance, people in all fields must be open to learning and developing their talents. Through organizational learning, you can start developing employees by making sure that they learn the necessary skills. In this course, you will learn some of the key ways in which the professional world is changing and the skills that are in high demand. You will also explore ways to choose what to learn to update your knowledge and ensure employee development and encourage self-development. You will also explore advancement strategies in the digital economy.



• Recognize the main ways in which professional activities change in the digital economy

• Recognize the categories of skills that are in high demand in the digital economy

• Recognize ways to choose what and how to learn to update your knowledge in the digital economy

• Identify career advancement strategies in the digital economy

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Video 00:18:14
Level Introductory

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