How to pay attention to the company's results as an employee

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Awareness of labor costs ensures a company’s financial success. Cost control is the responsibility of every member of the team and requires planning and effort. In this course, you’ll learn how employees can contribute to cost control efforts by changing costs, including travel, food, and facility costs.



• Emphasize why all employees should contribute to the company’s cost management efforts

• State the principles of cost savings in the workplace

• Identify how to reduce travel and entertainment costs

• Identify ways to save costs with suppliers who It is up to the company to

• describe the approach to streamline sales costs

• identify strategies to streamline sales costs

• identify how employees can contribute to cost savings for the company

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Video 00:19:21
Level Introductory

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