Achieve your goals through effective delegation

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Have you ever heard one of these phrases: “If you want to succeed in an organization, don’t be irreplaceable, be replaceable!” or maybe “If you want a task done, assign it to a busy team!” or maybe “Don’t work hard, work smart!” All of this says the same thing – learn to delegate effectively. If you can assign the right tasks to your team members in the right way, you will motivate them, develop their ability to act independently, and free yourself and your time for meaningful tasks and roles that meet the goals of all team members. In this course, you will first learn about the impact of different styles of delegation. Then you will learn the principles you can use to decide what to delegate and to whom.



  • Recognize the impact of different styles of delegation
  • Recognize the types of tasks that should be delegated
  • Delegate tasks to the right people
  • Delegate the right tasks to the right people
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Video 00:17:44
Level Introductory

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