Reaching an agreement through negotiation

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


At this point in the negotiation, you’ve done everything you can to build a relationship of trust, keep your focus on the issues, and tailor your approach to optimizing your influence over your interlocutor. horizon, but not yet a guarantee. The purpose of the negotiation is to reach an agreement and confirm it. When you started negotiating, you asked questions. At this point, focus on the answers. In this course, you will learn how to think creatively about solutions to maximize your chances of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement with your negotiating partner. You will also learn how to facilitate that agreement – even against the resistance of the other party.



  • Recognize the value of having creative solution options when negotiating
  • Facilitate reaching an agreement by offering and modifying options
  • Recognize strategies for reaching agreement despite the resistance of the interlocutor
  • Take appropriate action to reach an agreement
  • Implement strategies for conclusion of the agreement in negotiations
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Video 00:19:21
Level Introductory

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