Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.
Creating a business plan helps you see clearly the opportunities and obstacles you will inevitably face as you implement your business idea. By implementing a business plan, you have a better chance of getting the support you need to succeed. In this course, you will learn about a business plan, the business planning process, and the steps you need to take when creating a business case. You will also learn how to perform an internal analysis and about the key elements examined in any external analysis and SWOT. At the end, you’ll learn about activities that can help you when implementing a business case, including developing action plans and how implementation should be measured, monitored, and evaluated.
• differentiate between the many parts of a business plan
• recognize the steps to prepare for the development of a business plan
• recapitulate the steps for conducting an internal analysis as part of business planning
• identify the environmental factors to consider in an analysis external
• recognize examples of elements of a SWOT analysis
• recapitulate the elements of an action plan
• list the activities involved in measuring and controlling the implementation of a business plan