Business Statistics

5 Students enrolled
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Dive deep into the world of business statistics with our comprehensive course designed by the experts at Bucharest Business School. This course offers a robust curriculum tailored to professionals looking to enhance their analytical capabilities and make data-driven decisions effectively.

What You Will Learn:

Defining and Collecting Data: Understand the fundamental types of data (categorical and numerical), how they are measured, and the importance of accurate data collection methods.
Organizing and Visualizing Data: Learn techniques to organize data into meaningful structures and utilize visual tools like charts and graphs to interpret data insights.
Numerical Descriptive Measures: Gain proficiency in summarizing large datasets using various statistical measures that provide deeper insights into data behavior.
Sampling Distributions: Explore the concepts of probability sampling and non-probability sampling, including their applications and limitations.
Confidence Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing: Master the techniques for estimating the confidence interval and conducting hypothesis testing to validate business decisions and strategies.
Data Processing and Errors: Address common data errors and learn effective data cleaning techniques to ensure the integrity of your analyses.
Advanced Statistical Methods: Engage with topics like covariance, correlation coefficients, and regression analysis to understand complex relationships within data.

This course is ideal for business professionals, data analysts, and anyone interested in leveraging statistical methods to interpret business environments and forecast trends. By the end of this course, participants will be equipped with the skills needed to conduct thorough statistical analyses and contribute to strategic decision-making processes.   Join us to transform data into actionable insights and propel your career to new heights with the power of advanced business statistics!

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Course details
Lectures 4
Assignments 3
Quizzes 3
Level Introductory

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Dive deep into the world of business statistics with our comprehensive course designed by the experts at Bucharest Business School. This course off...
4 Lectures
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