Manage Group Courses

Company ID Email Name Job title Department Action
{{member.company_id}} {{}} {{}} {{member.job_title}} {{member.job_department}}

You can manage your group purchases. You can see the list of group purchases which you can add new students.



List of users which are subscribed to this course by you. You can add more e-mails for access or remove the course from a user

Email Name Surname Status Progress Action
{{email}} {{item.meta_data[email]? || "Not found"}} {{item.meta_data[email]?.user.surname || "Not found"}} {{item.meta_data[email]?.progress || 'N/A'}} {{item.meta_data[email]?.progress ? " %" : ""}} {{item.meta_data[email]?.status|| 'Not Registered'}}
You have no user added to this course.
You have no group course purchases

Register as Individual

For those who are individual learners, team members of a business, business professionals.



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Register as Business

Business Leaders / HR Responsibilities / Other company representatives who want to upskill employees.



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Register as Partner

For companies which want to colobrate with DB Academy and publish educational content for their customers.



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