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Learn compliance

Self-Paced Learning

Our online courses allow you to enjoy a self-paced course schedule. You can attend according to your own time, being easier to incorporate learning @work in your busy life.

Compliance powered by Deloitte
60 min
Why take this course: The Fraud awareness training contains general aspects related to fraud and it is designed to increase the participants’ knowl...
5 Lectures
60 min
Compliance powered by Deloitte
57 min
Warum sollten Sie diesen Kurs besuchen? Die Schulung zur Betrugsbewusstsein beinhaltet allgemeine Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit Betrug und soll das W...
11 Lectures
57 min
Compliance powered by Deloitte
17 min
Kursbeschreibung: In dieser Schulung werden Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Verpflichtung der berichterstattenden Stellen, eine organisationsweite S...
3 Lectures
17 min
Compliance powered by Deloitte
16 min
What you will learn:  In this training course, we will address issues regarding the obligation of reporting entities to conduct a ML/TF risk assess...
2 Lectures
16 min

Learn compliance

Self-Paced Learning

Our online courses allow you to enjoy a self-paced course schedule. You can attend according to your own time, being easier to incorporate learning @work in your busy life.

Compliance powered by Deloitte
21 min
What you will learn:  This training session is dedicated to internal investigations related to the AML/CFT area, being structured in the following ...
3 Lectures
21 min
Compliance powered by Deloitte
76 min
Warum sollten Sie diesen Kurs besuchen? Der Kurs “Betrugsermittlung” soll Unternehmen helfen, Betrugsermittlungen besser zu verstehen. ...
17 Lectures
76 min
Compliance powered by Deloitte
29 min
International sanctions have become a key element in international relations these days. They are coercive measures applied against states, quasi-s...
3 Lectures
29 min
Compliance powered by Deloitte
44 min
Warum sollten Sie diesen Kurs besuchen? Das Anti-Bestechungs- und Anti-Korruptions-Sensibilisierungstraining soll den Teilnehmern dabei helfen ein ...
9 Lectures
44 min

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Business Leaders / HR Responsibilities / Other company representatives who want to upskill employees.



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