English - Level B2 Courses & Trainings





English - Level B2
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview  B2 – Advantage or over i...
English - Level B2
Overview  B2 – Advantage or over intermediate Can understand the main ideas of a complex text on concrete or abstract topics, including techn...
English - Level B2
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview  C1 – Operational or adva...
English - Level B2
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview  B2 – Advantage or over i...
English - Level B2
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview  B2 – Advantage or over i...

B2 Level English Courses
  Learning English is a crucial thing in today’s world. The language is now the unofficial language of the world, it is widely spoken, easy to learn and most importantly, if you want to learn anything else, a large part of the resources online and published are in English in nearly every field.
  Learning English, being able to read, write, speak and listen to it fluently and easily can improve your life in every way. It is great for your career development, if you are a student or seeking after an academic career, it is a must. And also, learning English is extremely important if you are a sociable person and would like to make friends with people around the world since nearly everyone can speak it.

  Why Should You Learn English?
  Learning English can literally change your life. Once you start learning this language you will notice that gates you that did not know existed will open up for you. There are so many resources on earth, especially on the internet and a large portion of them are in English.
  Learning English is quite easy if you study in a schedule as strict as possible. You need to be sectioning your learning for a faster pace and more ease. English should be learned in five different sections: reading, writing, speaking, listening and vocabulary.

  B2 Level Reading
  B2 level English is quite enough to understand most of the written text in English. People who can read in this level of English can read complex subjects and while they don’t understand every single sentence they are able to understand the main idea easily, which is usually enough to work in a global workplace. They are also able to study in international universities since they are able to understand English textbooks, unless the subject requires excellent English reading skills, such as literature or history.

  B2 Level Writing
  If your English is at B2 level, it will be sufficient enough for an international workplace. B2 level English speakers can compose elegant and fluent emails, prepare excellent presentations and write detailed reports. 
  If you are pursuing an academic career, B2 level writing allows you to write academic papers, master thesis, and scientific and lab reports. 

  B2 Level Speaking
  B2 level English speaking will allow you to speak in not just one-on-one situations but also in group meetings and in crowds. With B2 level speaking you can talk about your thoughts, beliefs and experiences with ease and without preparations. 
  This is especially important for the workplace because you are expected to be assertive. 

  B2 Level Listening
  B2 Level English listening will allow you to listen to crowded meetings and listen to each person separately. You can watch movies and listen to podcasts and understand the storyline or the subject easily.  

Tips to Reach B2 Level English
  If you want to improve your English and reach the B2 level you should be studying with discipline. Apart from the online courses you can read light books, watch movies and listen to podcasts.  


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